Updated Yamato BG 3 Alt's asset icon to match Yamato BG 3's.Keep in mind that this does not apply when updating to 1.6 from a previous version. Improved the visuals and stability of the auto-updater.Added the example level Developer Challenges by Goldstorm, AwaggKing, TimeLink, LF222, Elevenstorms, snoruntpyro, NMario84, Meka, Mors and Luigi1000 - made using multiplayer editing!.Added three additional example levels: Blast Man's Hot Cave, Green Heaven and Wind City by AwaggKing and Ride it Right and Icy Parkour by Meka.Added the two winning levels from the Mega Man Maker Level Creation Contest 2019 as example levels: Climate Man by King WoWoWood and Wily Public Works by ilysm.Metal Man now has an option to allow for periodic flipping of the conveyor belt directions during his boss fight.Added profile icons for the robot masters of Mega Man 10 and Mega Man 11, as well as Mega Man's mugshot from Mega Man 11.Added two new skins for the Conveyor Belt.In the editor, when hovering over an icon in the orange menu, a short description of this icon is shown.Added a Recents Selection Wheel similar to the Favorites Selection Wheel.Added three additional editor themes to choose from.Allow players to edit your level, or only view and play it.Create and search rooms on our server using the Server Lobby, or create your own server using Direct IP.You can now build levels with other people online!.